Aliesha, Jayden, Tiny | Sidecut Metropark

For those of you that have been following my blog you are familiar with seeing Aliesha, Jayden, & Tiny… but one member is missing!! Jeremy is currently deployed overseas. Earlier in the summer we had a session just before he left. I know it’s been hard on everyone as they are apart but Aliesha continues family portraits throughout the year… I love this shot. I know I say that a lot but this one shot captures the story of our entire day. Happiness…. Tiny leading with Jayden doing his best to “walk” Tiny! Soooo very cute!!!

We met at Sidecut Metropark for one of the last warm days before the chill set in.

Such a cute face on Jayden! I snapped about six of these in this spot, which show all very different expressions from Jayden. See their full GALLERY.

What’s a day in the park without playing in the leaves?

More cute smiles.

Jayden was all about running today. So much so I was having a hard time keeping up! I found this tall grass to give me a chance of catching him! Worked great!

I have to share these smiles with Jeremy. I’ll be sending a pocket album to him overseas so he too can share these moments.

My thoughts are with you Aliesha as you count down the days for his return… my fingers are also crossed that I’ll be in town to capture that moment at the airport!  🙂